Star Trek: The Next Generation Bloopers for new December Blue-Ray Release!
The Classic Star Trek: The Next Generation series is seeing Season #7 of the show released on Blue-Ray on December 7th. In the meantime they have given us this awesome Blooper reel to promote the release. Check it out below and share your thoughts after the JUMP!
Star Trek has given us many wonderful things. Hope for the future. A dream of space travel. And, of course, a lot of actors goofing off, as this gag reel shows us.
Included on the upcoming seventh season Blu-ray release of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the gag reel is some of season seven’s greatest misses, including Jean-Luc busting out the profanity, Geordi being mildly embarrassed on camera, and Riker doing what we always knew he did once the camera was out of range:
It’s all part of the season seven release, coming out December 2nd. In the meantime, try avoid Riker, ensigns.